Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 234th Birthday, America!

"wet T-shirt contests" (page 97)

Well hm. This is interesting. I had to put this one in because it made me laugh. I mean, I guess she was about 32 by the time she finished, but when Ms. Kipfer began writing she was only in 6th grade, so I hope that this certain item didn't start making her happy until she was a bit older! Although these days, with the 100 degree heat in D.C., a wet T-shirt sounds great!!

WELL, as I usually say these days, WHATTA WEEK! I spent the rest of last weekend studying and doing some grocery shopping, and then the week was filled with work and classes finishing and starting again. Monday night I studied my butt off and then had my final on Tuesday. Hopefully it went well! On Tuesday morning, I went to a briefing at the State Department. We were some of the people first there, so we got to sit right at the table in the middle of the room. That's Karla and I to the right. On Wednesday I had a nice networking reception with my program, which was great. I got to meet an alum who gave us advice about getting out into the "real world" and I got some great food! Thursdays morning I went to a lecture on putting together an effective cover letter/resume, as well as surviving the interview if you get it! It was actually pretty helpful. I'm glad I went. On Thursday I also started my new class, Democracy and Voluntary Associations. I think it's going to be pretty good! And the course load is a little lighter, so I'm glad I have this class second.

Friday I went to work and had the usual great day of baking and such, and then DILLY came!! It was super exciting :-D Once he navigated public transportation (I was proud) and got to me, we came home and got settled in, then went out with two of my roommates and their significant others that were around for the weekend (the other 2 roommates went to Jersey Shore for the weekend). On Saturday, we got up and met my cousin, Veronika, for a tour of the White House. It was great to see her! Did you know you're not allowed to bring a camera into the White House? Because I didn't. So they wouldn't let me in (I let Dill go ahead), so I ran across the street to a park and hid my camera in a bush...Hehehe! It worked! It was really great to go inside and see our nation's "big house." Then Dill and I met up with Dani and Jeff for lunch at a little Greek place. It was AWESOME to catch up. Afterward, Dani came out to the museums with Dill for the day. Dilly got to see his dinosaurs :-D

Dill and I at the Natural History Museum

He got to see his dinosaurs!

My Belizean baby :-) Love this girl.

Me and my second boyfriend!!

Dill and I were pretty beat from the night before, so Dani, Dill, and I grabbed some ice cream and watched Taken, which I must say is a FANTASTIC movie. I'm now pretty much obsessed.

Yesterday, the 4th, was great. We got up and Dani, Dill, and I made an epic breakfast, and then picked up Juliana (Meg's roommate, but she's not here) and all headed down to the mall. We spent the first half of the day site-seeing (Dill wanted to go by the Hirschhorn, the modern art museum to see if they had any cool woodwork) and then found a place on the mall and settled in for fireworks! It was a LONG day. Katie and her boyfriend, Stephen, came to meet us around 5:30PM to enjoy the festivities.

Us three girls being silly with the statues that we ended up getting in trouble for touching...Whoops!

Dani and I goofin' off :-)

The ladies attending the 4th festitivies

Dill and I getting ready to watch fireworks

It was quite the celebration!

The fireworks were AMAZING. THERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE. It was crazy. We ended up walking the 4 miles home because the metros were that crazy. Then we all hung out back at the room with Kate and Lori (who watched the fireworks from the Iwo Jima memorial). Then we all effectively went into comas after 2 full days walking around in the sun.

This morning, Dill and I slept in and then got brunch with Dani and Juliana. I finally got my pulled pork sandwich. YAY! Then Dill came grocery shopping with me and we came back to the apartment and made an epic pizza that I sent him off with as he left. He had to leave in the late afternoon to catch his flight back tonight :-( Sad. I miss him! But I'll get to see him soon :-D I did some heavy duty laundering and cleaning this afternoon/evening, and now I'm about to go make dinner and then work on my paper that's due Thursday for a bit. SHERRALD (AKA Miss Megan Fitzgerald) gets back tonight, so I think I'm going to head to her place to do a bit of catching up around 8:00PM. The craziness of the week starts tomorrow, yet again, but we only have 19 days of interning left...CRAZY!