Sunday, June 13, 2010

Whatta weekend!

"Timbuktu" (page 100)

Random you think? I understand where she's coming from. When I was younger, I'd say around age 4, I thought it was hilarious to say, "Where do you go?" And people would be like, "What?" or "Where?" And I'd say, "Yugoslavia!" Wow. I thought that one was funny. What's upsetting is that Yugoslavia no longer exists and kids these days have no idea what that "joke" would mean. Crap. I'm getting old. So anywho, Timbuktu reminded me of that, thus making me happy. Not to mention it's mentioned in that great song (Princess Pat...Girl Scout camp, anyone?) and I feel like it's randomosity just lends it a hilarity that can't be explained.

ANYWAY, this weekend was lovely. Friday at work was great--I watched part of a movie, baked
a cake, and helped slice bagels/organize an assortment of baked goods that were donated for the upcoming week. Friday night the roommates and I (sans Chelsea who flew back to Chicago for a couple days) hung out with Dani, Megan, and Megan's roommate, Juliana. We ended up chillin' with the boys across the hall for a bit and just hanging at home, but it was nice to have the night off. You can see Juliana giving Dani a lovely stylization up in the left corner....Should give an indication of a nice night.

Yesterday we all slept in (FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE WE GOT HERE. It was AMAZING) and then Lindsey and I went downtown and shopped with Meg, Dani, and Juliana. I got some MORE work clothes and we saw (Meg says she's sure...I can't confirm or deny) Lee Norris ("Mouth" from One Tree Hill) in H&M, which was pretty cool. Then, after taking a little nap, Lindsey, Katie, Kate, and I all headed over to the little cafe on campus and grabbed some dinner, and then while Lindsey got ready, the rest of us went to Ice Berry, a little cafe that serves frozen yogurt--But like, literally, yogurt that is frozen. SO GOOD. We ended up having Megan and Juliana over again and all of us went out for a night on the town and met up with some of Katie's friends. It was GREAT. We danced the night away at a local club that was SO packed. After Belize and Vermont, these crowds are something to get used to!

Today we all slept in again and have been having SUCH a lazy day. We all feel a little guilty because it's a free Sunday in Georgetown, but this last week has just killed us. Kate and I just walked down to Georgetown Cupcake (It's famous--TLC is airing a TV show about them starting July 16 at 10PM....take a looksie!) and got some AMAZING cupcakes. Definitely worth the $2.75 they are. My family gets in tonight, but not until super late, so I probably won't get to see them until tomorrow. I'm going to go try and finish all my homework (....not so sure that's going to happen) so I can spend as much time with the fam as possible in between my crazy hours!!